My first post

November 11, 2024

learning how to code

Bullet points I am a code

learning how to code without money is very difficult and dangerous first sort out your room then start to learn coding

open source is the chad for people who dont want to pay for learning more

its a cool community of people on git-hub who have loads of programmed stuff and there code in the form of repository

we can basically clone it on our own virtual studio code and can start programming by either contributing to it or learn from it

then we have languages like python, javascript, java and many more for web development or app development

but to begin to understand those we will have to first understand syntax, then print hello wolrd then maybe make prime number programmed there is a structure to programming like defining class, method and using functions

i have understood how to use them but i still struggle to understand how the memory works while programming for that i guess i will have to understand data types and algorithms

then the other thing that will come as pain is terminal this lil shit is a spaced window beneath your programming window where you get the print of your variable but later on will demand commands to operate

##Who am i

simpelton soul who wants to earn money through coding and live a peaceful life away from drama and nusisance in general

###whatever i have learned until now post my struggle with making my blog ##okay so first important thing i leared was how to define a variable, make a method and function and how to use global() so that i can assign a function in the code and then call it

  1. The next thing i have learned is runtime environment and about interpretor
  2. Run time environment or interpretor is something that sort of understands the code and then executes it
  3. For example node.js is for java script and PyPy is for Pyhton
  4. Then I learned the basic syntax, how it is different for different languages, for assigning it is different, also for execution it is different for different languages like- HTML, Python and Java script
  5. Next thing i have learned was about Open source, what is open source , basically something or anything whose source code is available for free, it can be modified, it can be distributed, you can work with a team together, learn from the exisiting code or make some contributions
  6. For example lets say we have git- hub there we can make our own repositories and also create our own history and commit in our projects
  7. another important thing that i have learned is that how to use command prompt and terminal in virtual studio code
  8. The most important thing that i have learned is how to first execute programme locally which i learned is also called developer phase and when we operate it in remote environment it is called run time space and we should not mess with that before hand